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Additional Sources


Codes Centre for advertising and marketing (ICC)

Federal Trade Commission (USA).

Misleading Advertising

Nutrition and health claims.

Stichting Reclamecode

UK Advertising Codes

Unfair Commercial Practices Directive


Running Your Business (NL)

Starting Your Business (NL)

Competition Law

Antitrust Damages Actions

Directive 2014/104/EU

EU competition cases by product

Glossary of Competition Terms.

Guidelines on Vertical Restraints.

Orange. France. 249 million

Steptoe Blog

Consumer Rights

Consumer Rights and Law.

Consumer Contracts.

Directive 2011/83 on Consumer Rights

Directive on Contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services

Directive on Contracts for the sale of goods

EU Guidance Document .


Ethical Companies

Tools (NL)


Claiming Damages under Dutch Law

Compensatory damages in civil and common law

Data Governance

Collibra Data Governance

What is Data Governance?

Data Privacy

Right to be forgotten

GDPR in 97 seconds

GDPR Portal

Non-compliance costs

One Year Under the EU GDPR

Proposal ePrivacy Regulation

Protection of Personal Data


Digital Single Market

Barriers to Ecommerce

Broadband Glossary

Digital Strategy EU


After Coty?

Coty Case

Hard core restrictions

Selective Distribution

 Selective Distribution. Overview

Vertical Agreements (EU)

Entry Strategies

Agency. Termination

Impact Assessment

Online Platforms  


Delegated and Implementing Acts

Legislative Proposals

Public Consultations

Roadmaps. Impact assessments

Internet of Things (IoT)

Casagras Report

IoT Policy EU


What is IoT?


Islamic Law


Islamic law of tort  


Sales and Advertising (NL)

Marketing Associations



IIMA (Islamic)

NIMA (The Netherlands)


B2B Platforms

Communication Online Platforms

Regulation (EU) 2019/1150

Directive (EU) 2019/2161


Arm’s-Length Principle.

Transfer Pricing (EU)


CE Mark

Guidelines for Product Recalls

Safety and Packaging (NL)

Product Liability Directive

Waste (EU)


European Data Protection Supervisor

GDPR text

GDPR Factsheets

Non-compliance costs



EU hate speech code.

Facebook’s policies and terms

IBM social computing guidelines

Nestle. Code of Business Conduct

Stichting Reclamecode

UK Advertising Codes



Banking (ECB)

European Data Protection Supervisor

Financial Supervision (EU)

Supply Chain

Due Diligence in Supply Chains

Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative

Risk Management. Extended Enterprise

Third-party due diligence.  

Third Party Risk


Spain Google tax

Taxation and Customs Union

Updates 2020 Europe

What is VAT?


Tort in The Netherlands

Vicarious Liability

What is Tort?

Unfair Commercial Practices

European Union

Videos (English)

Adam Smith, The Invisible Hand

Cartel Prohibition


Dawn Raid (Competition Law)

EU Competition Law

EU Competition Law


GDPR. Direct Marketing & Consent

GDPR. Email marketing

GDPR. Website

Internet of Things

Is your website GDPR ready?

Marketing Mix (Extended)

Marketing Mix of Coca Cola

Privacy Law (EU)

Product compliance

Prohibition of Cartels

Selling in the EU

Supplier Code of Conduct

Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management

The 4Ps of Marketing Simplified

Video’s (Nederlands)

AVG (10 dingen die u moet weten)

AVG (invloed op marketing)

Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens


Herken Social Media en Influencer Marketing

Hoe start ik een webshop?

Onrechtmatige daad

Onrechtmatige daad en overeenkomst


Schadevergoeding na mededingsinbreuk

Schuld v Risicoaansprakelijkheid

Strategische Marketingplanning

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This book is especially intended for business students who are new to the study of law and law students who want to be introduced to the business dimension of their profession. Business and legal theories are combined into a concise practical overview of the relationship between law and business with a focus on corporate strategy development and its implementation.

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