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Additional Sources 

Applicable law

Rome 1 Regulation



Common Law


English Contract Law

Sale of Goods Act 1979 (UK)

Transfer ownership

Competent Court

Brussels 1 (recast). Text

Brussels 1. General Information

Brussels 1. Recognition

Cross-Border Cases.

International Arbitration




Impact Corona Virus

Numbering styles

Principles of International Commercial Contracts

Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)

Dispute Resolution

Costs in international arbitration

Disputes in China

Arbitral institutes chart.

International arbitration MENA region.

New York Arbitration Convention

Transnational Dispute Management

Dutch Law

Dutch Contract Law  

Claims and obligations.


Contract Enforcement

Enforcement and dispute resolution. OECD

Enforcement of Contracts:

Doing Business. World Bank


Incoterms 2020. ICC

Incoterms Explained

International Business

International Business

International Business (NL)

International Private Law

Conflict of Laws

Rules of IPL

What is IPL?


Asser Institute




Islamic Law

Contract Law.

Islamic Contract Law


Cloud Guidelines

Software Licensing

SaaS Contract

Provisions Software Agreements.

Software Contracts.

Miscellaneous Clauses

Entire Agreement v. Haviltex

ICC anticorruption clause.

ICC Force Majeure and Hardship Clauses

ICC tool anti-corruption.

Commercial Contracts

Non-reliance clause

Penalty clauses. English law


Import and Export

Letter of Credit

Strategic Input

Doing Business. World Bank

WTO World Trade Reports


Boek 8 Burgerlijk Wetboek

CMR Convention

Fenex Voorwaarden.

Videos (English)



Conflict of Laws

EU-IPL: Objectives

International Arbitration

International Private Law

Jurisdiction: Brussels I recast Regulation

Recognition and enforcement: Brussels I recast

Rome 1 Regulation

This book is especially intended for business students who are new to the study of law and law students who want to be introduced to the business dimension of their profession. Business and legal theories are combined into a concise practical overview of the relationship between law and business with a focus on corporate strategy development and its implementation.

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