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Additional Sources




Eerste Kamer

Tweede Kamer

Raad van State


Dutch Code of Civil Procedure

Netherlands Arbitration Institute

Advising Bodies 

Raad van State

SER- Social and Economic Council

Employment law (Arbeidsrecht)

Corel Kennisbank

Ondernemen met Personeel




UK Bribery Act 2010

UK Bribery Act 2010. Guidance.

VimpelCom Dutch law settlement.

Philips Resolves FCPA Enforcement  

European Commission

Common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB).

Double Taxation

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

ISDS Some Facts and Figures.

Judicial System

The Netherlands Commercial Court

Legal Order of The Netherlands

EU Justice Scoreboard

Dutch Court System.  

Legal proceedings

Labour law

Balance Employment Market Act

Employment Contract

Employment Law in the Netherlands

Human Resources in the EU

Social Plan

Vereniging van Arbeidsrechtadvocaten

WAB: Approved Bill on Balanced Labour Market Act

Legislation in English

Changes to law and regulations

Constitution and Charter

Dutch Civil Law


Beroepsvereniging voor Public Affairs

Tweede Kamer

Lobbyregister Tweede Kamer


Mediation (EU)

Mediation in the Netherlands

Nederlandse Mediatorsvereniging

News in English

Dutch Daily News



Library of Congress

Dutch Government Websites



Advertising – Stichting Reclamecode

Akkoord verbetering Produktsamenstelling

Selfregulation for pharmaceutical advertising

Unilever. Code of Business Principles

Services Providers

Beneluxvereniging voor Merken- en Modellenrecht

Beroepsvereniging Public Affairs

Koninklijke Beroepsorganisatie van Gerechtsdeurwaarders

Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie  

Legal500 Netherlands

Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten

Orde van Octrooigemachtigden

Social Security

Your Social Security Rights in the Netherlands

National and Employee Insurance Schemes

Social Security in the Netherlands



Soft law

Global Compact The Netherlands


Principes voor Bedrijfsleven en Mensenrechten

Strategic Input



Autoriteit Consument en Markt

Autoriteit Financiële Markten 

Nederlandse Zorg Autoriteit


Bedrijven sluizen miljarden via Nederland.

Corporate Income Tax

Dutch Tax System

Guide to the Dutch Tax System

Brievenbusfirma’s. 37 miljard

Participation exemption work?

Premiedifferentiatie WW


Winstbelasting. NOS 2019.

Taxes on Corporate Income

The Netherlands

Netherlands v. Holland





Beleid en Regelgeving.

Videos English

Brexit and The Netherlands

Dutch Culture and Business

Holland v The Netherlands

Jobs in English

Legal Aspects of Doing Business in NL

Starting a Business in The Netherlands

Tax compliance

Tax havens explained

Tax haven. The Netherlands

The 30% ruling in the Netherlands

WAB (Balanced Employment Act)

What is nexus?

Why does Starbucks pay so little tax?

Works Council and Trade Unions

Video’s Nederlands Recht

Publiek v Privaatrecht

Bronnen Nederlands Recht

Wet in Formele v Materiele Zin

Opzoeken Wetteksten

Video’s Arbeidsrecht (Nederlands)

Aard van het Arbeidsrecht

Aard van de Arbeidsrelatie


Billijke vergoeding

Cumulatiegrond uitspraak


Dwingend recht

Gemiddelde Ontslagkosten

Hoe werkt de combinatiegrond?

Noodmaatregel Overbrugging Werkbehoud (NOW)

Ontslag met wederzijds goedvinden

Ontslag op staande voet


Transitievergoeding 2020

UWV procedure



Werkgever failliet

WW Uitkering

This book is especially intended for business students who are new to the study of law and law students who want to be introduced to the business dimension of their profession. Business and legal theories are combined into a concise practical overview of the relationship between law and business with a focus on corporate strategy development and its implementation.

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